Time for another DIY kit post! This time I made Kracie’s Doughtnuts. This one didn’t have any microwaving involved. At least that’s what I gathered from the instructions (I can’t read Japanese but there were no pictures of microwaves).
There were the typical packets of powder that turned into dough and icing. There was also sprinkles and crunchy bread-crumb like things.
These are what my donuts looked like after the mold. There was a vanilla and chocolate dough. As you can see mine are far from perfect!
And finally here they are after I decorated it with icing, and sprinkles. Doesn’t it look like a five year old did this? It’s all the same once they make it in my mouth anyway!
Like all the kits, the eeriliy taste like the thing they are supposed to be. So doughnuts. Nuts right?